Auto Flexiload Software Server

digital recharge software in bangladesh

কুরিয়ার সার্ভিস এর মাধ্যমে যে কোন স্থানে সফট্ওয়্যার / মডেম নিতে পারবেন।

প্রয়োজনঃ কম্পিউটার, মডেম এবং রিচার্জ সিম ।

আমাদের Digital Recharge এর মাধ্যমে রবি, জিপি, বাংলালিংক, এয়ারটেল, টেলিটক, বিকাশ, রকেট ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন

Installation Manual

Benefits of Digital Recharge System

  • Easy and Time-Saving.
  • Advanced squired technology.
  • All Transaction will record and backup on the database.
  • All mobile operators supported.
  • All banking operator supported.
  • No need to retype previous recharged numbers.
  • Daily Real-Time reporting system.
  • Monthly transaction summary report.
Why you use Digital Recharge System ?

We are here with a smart solution for you! Introducing Digital Recharge System. This is basically advanced and user-friendly Mobile Recharge based flexiload software. It allows you to recharge Grameen Phone, Banglalink, Robi and Teletalk subscribers talk time with an easy system with a PC or Laptop.
You just need to provide individual retailer SIM card for each operator. No need to bear individual mobile for each operator. You can transfer money to Mobile banking accounts like Bkash and Rocket via this Digital Recharge Software.

Power of Digital Recharge System
This powerful Flexiload Topup Mobile recharge billing software provides advanced security modules with modern technology. Our Offline System allows you to send the balance to subscriber’s mobile within the blink of an eye.
No Internet connection required. You just need to put subscriber mobile number and amount you want to send. No individual PIN is required for the quick and hassel free transaction. And, if the number has input to the system before, you don’t need to retype the whole number again. Basically, we tried to provide a fast transaction solution for retailers. Have your one and be a proud part of digital Bangladesh.

Digital Recharge Software

Digital Bangladesh is aimed to build a cashless economy. If you are a mobile retailer, it’s your time to go for a digital solution too. Think, you are paying for two or three people every month, who are only engaged with Air Time recharge and Mobile Banking Transaction.

And while a large number of customers gathered around your shop, there is a horrible mass! And, you are losing your potential customers too! Because, your highly paid employee cannot handle more than one customer at once.

You may think of an automatic flaxiload system that time, what can send all the pending transaction within the blink of eyes!

Features of Auto Recharge System

  • No Internet connection required.
  • No need to buy any SMS package.
  • No hassle of maintaining reseller account.
  • Easy and fast sole purpose usability.
  • Super Simple setup and easy to use.
  • Budget friendly Yearly subscription.

Operator Fee for Digital Recharge System

In this digital recharge system, you can use as many operators as you want. And, you just need to pay for individual operator separately or as a whole. Like GP, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk, Bkash, and Rocket. You need to pay 2500 Taka for each operator.

If you want to use GP only, you just need to pay 2500 Taka only. And, if you want to use GP and Bkash, you need to pay 5000 Taka. We don’t charge as a whole, you will pay for the service you use and do not pay for what you are not using. This is a onetime charge, no yearly or monthly charge required.

Installation Manual of Digital Recharge Software

No special skill required to set up our software. Just play the CD and read our manual.

  • Connect to an Internet connection for setup registration purpose.
  • Connect your SIM to the modems.
  • Unpack and Run the CD.
  • Run the setup file from CD.
  • Press Next and put the given serial key.
  • Press Next and Fill up the form with correct and valid information.
  • After completing the installation, just put your individual PIN to the software.
  • You just need the internet connection for 1st-time setup. No Internet connection required to run the software.
  • Software Version: v2.9
  • Publisher: Digital Software BD
  • Author: MR Hasan
  • Price: BDT 5000
  • Operating System: Wndows 7,10
  • Rating:4
  • Votes: 8555
  • Review rating:5
  • Review date:8 Dec 2017
  • Date published:8 Dec 2016

আমাদের অফিস সময় সূচিঃ

শনি -বৃহঃ
সকাল ১০ টা- সন্ধ্যা ৭ টা

অনুগ্রহ পূর্বক শুধুমাত্র এই সময়ে
প্রকৃত ক্রেতাগণ
যোগাযোগ করবেন।

01612-99 99 66

Digital Software BD System is an Information technology and Electronic device assembly company. Online shopping support and technology base company in Bangladesh. we provide many kind of security solution and automation service. We sells and supply 1000+ security product, very low cost and cheap price in bd Dhaka Bangladesh. We supply whole Bangladesh. Our marketing area is Barguna বরগুনা, Barisal বরিশাল, Bhola ভোলা , Jhalokati ঝালকাঠি, Patuakhali পটুয়াখালী, Pirojpur পিরোজপুর, Bandarban বান্দরবান, Brahmanbaria ব্রাহ্মণবাড়ীয়া, Chandpur চাঁদপুর, Chittagong চট্টগ্রাম, Comilla কুমিল্লা, Cox's কক্সবাজার, Feni ফেনী, Khagrachhari খাগড়াছড়ি, Lakshmipur লক্ষীপুর, Noakhali নোয়াখালী, Rangamati রাঙ্গামাটি, Dhaka ঢাকা, Faridpur ফরিদপুর, Gazipur গাজীপুর, Gopalganj গোপালগঞ্জ, Jamalpur জামালপুর, Kishoreganj কিশোরগঞ্জ, Madaripur মাদারীপুর, Manikganj মানিকগঞ্জ, Munshiganj মুন্সীগঞ্জ, Mymensingh ময়মনসিংহ, Narayanganj নারায়ণগঞ্জ, Narsingdi নরসিংদী, Netrakona নেত্রকোনা, Rajbari রাজবাড়ী, Shariatpur শরীয়তপুর, Sherpur শেরপুর, Tangail টাঙ্গাইল, Bagerhat বাগেরহাট, Chuadanga চুয়াডাঙ্গা, Jessore যশোর, Jhenaidah ঝিনাইদহ, Khulna খুলনা, Kushtia কুষ্টিয়া, Magura মাগুরা, Meherpur মেহেরপুর, Narail নড়াইল, Satkhira সাতক্ষিরা, Bogra বগুড়া, Joypurhat জয়পুরহাট, Naogaon নওগাঁ, Natore নাটোর, Chapainawabganj নওয়াবগঞ্জ, Pabna পাবনা, Rajshahi রাজশাহী, Sirajganj সিরাজগঞ্জ, Dinajpur দিনাজপুর, Gaibandha গাইবা, Kurigram কুড়িগ্রাম, Lalmonirhatলালমনিরহাট, Nilphamari নীলফামারী, Panchagarh পঞ্চগড়, Rangpur রংপুর, Thakurgaon ঠাকুরগাঁ, Habiganj হবিগঞ্জ, Moulvibazarমৌলভীবাজার, Sunamganj সুনামগঞ্জ, Sylhet সিলেট, In bd, Bangla, motijheel, mirpur, gulshan, banani, old town Dhaka, muhammadpur, jatrabari, Bangladesh, Bangladeshi area. Dhaka city area Adabor (আদাবর থানা), Badda (বাড্ডা থানা), Biman Bandar (বিমান বন্দর থানা), Bangshal, Cantonment (ক্যান্টনমেন্ট থানা), Chawkbazar Model, Dakshinkhan, Darus Salam, Dhanmondi (ধানমন্ডি থানা), Demra (ডেমরা থানা), Kotwali (কোতয়ালী থানা), Gendaria, Gulshan (গুল্শান থানা), Hazaribagh (হাজারীবাগ থানা), Jatrabari, Kadamtali, Kafrul (কাফরুল থানা), Kalabagan (কলাবাগান থানা), Kamringir Char (কামরাঙ্গীর চর থানা), Khilkhet, Khilgaon (খিলগাঁও থানা), Lalbagh (লালবাগ থানা), Mirpur (মিরপুর থানা), Mohammadpur (মোহাম্মদপুর থানা), Motijheel (মতিঝিল থানা), New Market, Pallabi (পল্লবী থানা), Paltan, Ramna (রমনা থানা), Rampura (রামপুরা থানা), Sabujbagh (সবুজবাগ থানা), Shah Ali, Shahbagh, Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Shyampur (শ্যামপুর থানা), Sutrapur (সুত্রাপুর থানা), Tejgaon (তেজগাঁও থানা), Tejgaon Industrial Area, Turag, UttarKhan (উত্তরখান থানা), Uttara (উত্তরা থানা), We already supply our product in this market, in Dhaka = Jamuna Future Park, Saad Musa City Center, Bashundhara City, Mouchak Market, New Market, Bongo Market, Bongo Bazar, Eastern Plaza, Hatirpool, Nahar Plaza, Hatirpool, Mutalib Plaza, Hatirpool, Dhaka, Karnafuly City Garden, Shantinagar, Eastern Plus, Shantinagar, Riffles Square, Eastern Mallika, Old Elephant Road, Twin City Corcord Shopping Complex, Chamelibag, Metro Shopping Mall, Mirpur Road, Rapa Plaza, Mirpur Road, Orchid Point, Mirpur Road, Alpona Plaza, New Elephant Road, Multiplan Center, New Elephant Road, Bishal Centre, Moghbazar, Baitul Mukarram Market, Gulistan, Stadium Market, Gulistan, Navana Shopping Center, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Rajluxmi Complex, Uttara, Royal Plaza, Uttara, Rajmoni Ishakha Shopping Complex, Kakrail, Capital Market, Mirpur Road, BCS Computer City, Aagargaon, Palwel Super Market, Noya Paltan, Farmview Super Market, Farmget, Mascot Plaza, Uttara, Home Delivery Online, Uttara, Polwel Carnation, Uttara, Pink City, Gulshan-2, Dhaka City Corporation Market, Gulshan-1, DCC Market Gulshan-2, Police Plaza Concord, Gulshan Avenue, North Tower, Uttara, RAK Tower, Uttara, Grand Plaza, Mogbazar, Gazi Bhaban, Noya paltan, Orchid Plaza, New Elephant Road, Fortune Shopping Mall, Mouchak, Index Plaza,Narsingdi, Narsingdi City Centre, Abid-Aswad City Complex, In Chittagong = Afmi Plaza Chittagong, Basuda Plaza, New Market, Mimi Super Market,Chittagong Trade Centre, Sanmar Ocean City, Nasirabad, Zahur Hawkers' Market, Jubilee road, Amin Center, Lalkhan Bazar, Chittagong, Younusco City Center, GEC Circle, Chittagong, Central Plaza, Chittagong, Moti Tower, Chawk Bazar, Chittagong, Keari Plaza, Chawkk Bazar, Chittagong, Lucky Plaza, Agrabad, Chittagong, Chittagong Computer City, Zohura Tower, Chowmuhony, Agrabad, Chittagong, Mirza Ahmed Super Market, Chowmuhony, Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangkok Singapore Market, Agrabad, Chittagong, Singapore Market, Hazeepara, Agrabad, Chittagong, Bay Shopping Center, EPZ, Chittagong, Shah Amanat Shopping Center, Chittagong, Chittagong Shopping Complex, 2No Gate, Chittagong, South Land Center, Agrabad, Chittagong, Monni Plaza, Chittagong, Aktaruzzaman Center, Chittagong, VIP Tower, Chittagong, Apollo Shopping Center, Chittagong, Stadium Market, Chittagong, IFCO Center, Chittagong, F. Rahman AC Market, Feni, New Market, Dollai Nawabpur C milla, Patiya, Suman Sharif Shoping Mall In Sylhet = Al-Hamra Shopping City, Blue Water Shopping City, Star plaza shopping mall, Ellegent shopping mall, Gallariya Shopping Centre, Sylhet, Garden Tower Shopping Mall, Sylhet, Karima Mansion East Dargah Gate, Sylhet, Karim Ullah Market, Latif Center, Marvelous Tower Golapganj Sylhet, Manru Shopping City, Chowhatta, One city (One of the largest in South Asia), Sylhet, Pacific Tower shopping mall, Sylhet, Sylhet Plaza, Shukria Market, Zindabazar Sylhet, Sylhet Millenium Mall, Sylhet City Centre, Sunrise Tower, Shobuj Biponi, Moni Sopping center, Zindabazar Sylhet, Mitali Mension. Gulistan Patal Market, Patal Sarak Mobile Market, Bangabandhu Super Patal Market, Bangabandhu Square Patal Market,Gulistan Underground Market, Foursquare, stadium market dhaka, Bangabandhu National Stadium Market, Bangladesh Electrical Goods Dealers & SellersBaitul Mukarram, Stadium, Motijheel & Paltan Stadium Market, Bazaar in Dhaka,Shopping center of Dhaka, Baitul mukarram market, Baitul Mukarram Shopping complex, nawabpur electric market, Natiional Stadium market, sundarban market, Maulana Bhashani Hockey Stadium, National Swimming Pool / Market Swimming Pool. we are Electronic Equipment & Goods Dealers, Sellers, Retail. pos software barcode level printer website design digital recharge auto flexiload software website design software development mobile pos printer.

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